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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I for Ink, The Elixir for Thoughts

I for ...

She stepped back

Ink, The Elixir for Thoughts

After painting the hall walls in white and blue,
As she stepped back lovingly admiring her work,
Jumped off the ladder platform, the can of blue,
Splatter buried the wall pattern in a single jerk,
Instead of tears, started flowing old memories,
Memories of the early days of writing stories.

That one story seemed very close to her heart,
Characters seemed better than Agatha Christie,
The scene description looked like a canvas art,
More than Sherlock Holmes, her plot was twisty,
Conceited as she touched the papers on her table,
The ink bottle fell and made the letters invisible.

Oh how bad it hurt, the elixir to etch words forever,
Had erased those very words forever in one swipe,
She rushed to engrave them all over again on paper,
Her senses seemed sharpened by that ruthless snipe,
The words sounded forced, characters appeared lame,
The poor plot, instead of conceit, now evoked shame.

Wiser by the enlightenment, she had felt huge relief,
The trash got trampled before the world could see,
That's how begun her tryst with the ink and the grief
That was really brief, made her as strong as she could be,
To hone work till perfection, her lips made a smile small,
As she could now see the better fate awaiting her hall :)


  1. tryst with the ink and the grief--- so very well said.

    Look forward to your challenge run…
    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  2. A blessing to have breezed upon your blog, will enjoy taking a look around. Amanda

    Amanda - Realityarts-Creativity
    Art Blog

  3. Thank you Amanda :)
    You are doing a great job at looking after your mom and helping other carers. May God bless you!
