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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sandal Speak

Sandal Speak

I was worried about my destiny,
But got packed in silk and satin
And dispatched in a limo shiny,
To be ushered in an aero cabin.

Welcomed by excited screams,
Landed in the courteous city;
To be led to a palace of dreams,
In a procession like a deity.

I was treated to a lavish gloss,
Prepared by a dozen champs
And sequined with golden floss,
To be exalted with lamps.

Adorned on high head of elite,
As Bharat did eons back;
To be strapped on sissy's feet, 
I was taken to her shack.

Stooping officers in public view,
Rubbed across their own hankies,
Till last invisible grime flew,
To felicitate F1 pros and rookies.

I was covered all over in dirt
And left outside the threshold,
To be kicked around and hurt,
Those days are gone and old.

At my smacks the state flinches,
My headlines making virtues,
By raising her glory three inches,
Are to be immortalized in statues.

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